Simple time tracking software for business
The best data for analysis
Task and project management with time tracking.
Measure and analyze using flexible pivot tables

Simple time tracking software for business
The best data for
Task and project management
with time tracking.
Measure and analyze using
flexible pivot tables
Time-based management
in your company
in, it is time that decides whether your
company will succeed.
Time is a tough opponent. It cannot be
bought or stored.
The only thing we
can do is manage its use more efficiently.

What gives you using StartStop - time tracking software in your company?

Time-based management

Increase employee productivity

Bill clients

price services and projects

the best data structure to be used in BI

advanced module of data analysis
What gives you
using StartStop -
time tracking software
in your company?

Time-based management

Increase employee productivity

Bill clients

price services and projects

the best data structure to be used in BI

advanced module of data analysis
Try It Now for Free with 14-day trial
Try It Now for Free
with 14-day trial
Why Data Analysis in StartStop is the best on market?

Pivot Tables

Data Analysis

Wykorzystaj dane z systemu
rejestrującego czas w BI
Dzięki zastosowaniu tabel, dane z systemu
StartStop idealnie nadają się do przetwarzania w/przez BI.
Zamieniaj dane na informacje i
wykorzystaj je do zwiększenia przewagi
konkurencyjnej Twojej firmy.
Pobierz przykładowe dane z systemu StartStop i
przeanalizuj je za pomocą dowolnego systemu BI.
Use data from time recording software in BI
system are perfect for processing with use of BI.
Convert data to information and use it to
increase Your edge over your competition.
Request a free consultation and learn more

Use data from time recording software in BI
system are perfect for processing with use of BI.
Convert data to information and use it to
increase Your edge over your competition.
Request a free consultation and learn more

Use data from time recording software in BI
system are perfect for processing with use of BI.
Convert data to information and use it to
increase Your edge over your competition.
Request a free consultation and learn more

Use data from time recording software in BI
system are perfect for processing with use of BI.
Convert data to information and use it to
increase Your edge over your competition.
analyse it using any BI software

Don’t know where to start or wanting to ask us some questions?
Contact our support!
Consultation ordering form
Answer a few questions and order a consultation by telephone.
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14-day trial