Privacy policy and rules
of the service

1. How are we using your data?

In order to create the account on the website you will be asked to provide your e-mail address, password and to accept the rules and regulations of SaaS service. You will also be asked for permission to process this data, which will allow us to create a unique account within the system and to contact you in order to contact you about system updates, regulation changes, purchase confirmations, account validity extensions and answers to your questions. 

Provided e-mail address will be used as your login whenever you will try to log into the StartStop software at

After creating the account you will be provided with the possibility to configure your account and to fill in the company data in the “Company Data” section. 

Information which can be filled in:

  1. Company name
  2. Description
  3. NIP number
  4. Street name
  5. Postcode
  6. City
  7. Website

While browsing our website we will identify your IP address in order to gather information about your browser and operating system. 

We are using e-mail marketing tools to provide marketing communication, so with your consent we can send you emails containing information about our company, new products or updates. 

Information which you have provided by filling forms or browsing the website we can use in the following ways: 

  • To answer your queries,
  • To upgrade our website,
  • To provide you with new information about us and our offer.

There are no products or services provided by any third party available anywhere on our website. 

2. Permission

How do we ask for your permission?

When you are providing us with personal information (for example while filling the contact form) we ask for your permission to save this data and use it for specific purposes only. 

If we will ask for your data for any other purpose, such as marketing, we will do it by directly asking you for your permission. You can opt out of receiving any marketing information by using a resignation form located at the end of every message under the phrase “Opt out”.

How can you withdraw permission to process your data you have given us? 

If after granting us permission to gather the data you will change your mind and want to withdraw your permission all you need to do is contact us directly under email address:

3. Disclosure

We will not sell or disclose your personal data to any third party without your explicit consent. This does not include hosting of the affiliated websites and websites which are helping in upkeeping the service, conducting business operations and maintenance. In all of those circumstances we ensure confidentiality of the information. We can disclose your data only when it is compliant with the law, StartStop internal policy, and is respecting the rights, property and safety of other people. 

We can disclose your personal information if we are obliged to by law or if you breach the regulations found in the StartStop Rules and Regulations.

4. Payments

In case you will want to extend your license or buy additional accounts, will store the data of your credit card. This data is encoded in compliance with the safety norms released by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI-DSS). Any information about purchase transactions are only kept for as long as necessary to complete the transaction and are deleted after transaction is finalised. I

Information about all transactions conducted by external payment service providers (TPAY), are not stored or processed by us. 

All direct payments conducted by external providers are compliant with PCI-DSS, managed by PCI Security Standards Council, serving Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards.

PCI-DSS requirements help to ascertain security of the transaction data for transactions done via UserEngage and affiliated external providers.

5. Safety

We are using various technologies and safety procedures in order to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, use or leakage. Information that we receive from you is encrypted during the Internet transfer via SSL technology and is stored with usage of AES-256 encoding on servers in a controlled and safe environment, protected from unauthorised access, usage or leakage. 

6. Cookies

Cookie files (or Cookies) are files which are sent from a service provider via Internet browser to your hard drive (if you will give your permission for that). This allows the website or service provider to identify your browser and document the information.

We are using Cookies to save and process the data, understand and document user preferences, prepare statistical data about the website usage and the types of actions conducted, all of which serves as a basis for upgrades and quality increase in the future. We can also use the help of external services which will track this information for us.

7. Age

By using this website you are confirming that you are of legal age as stated in the laws of the given country or region, and are legally allowed to use it. If your age gives you legal ability to custody, you can give permission to use the website to any minor under your legal custody.

8. Informative clause compliant with GDPR

Because of the regulation of European Parliament and Council of the European Union 2016/679 from the day of 27th of April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter called “GDPR”) taking effect, we proclaim that the handling of the personal data and rights of the persons whose data is handled is based upon those rules: 

  1. The administrator of personal data is Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Lublin (20-209) ul. Frezerów 3 – hereinafter “the Administrator”.
  2. The Administrator can be contacted via the email address:
  3. Legal basis and purpose of the processing of personal data by the Administrator can be as follows: 
    1. Article 6 pol. 1 let. a) GDPR: the data processing requires your permission to send you marketing content, trade info about Sp. z o. o., information about its services, offers, organised events and newsletters via electronic means (e-mail, sms, mms);
    2. Article 6 pol. 1 let. b) GDPR: processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or in order to take steps at the request of the Sp z o.o prior to entering into a contract;
    3. Artykuł 6 ust. 1 lit. c) GDPR: processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Administrator is subject;
    4. art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR: processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person;,
      e) Article 6 (1) (b) f) GDPR, i.e.: – data processing takes place due to the Administrator’s legitimate interest in answering questions, providing information on its activities, and its products and services at the request of interested persons,
      f) Article 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR, i.e.: – data processing takes place due to the Administrator’s legitimate interest in conducting analyzes to improve the services provided and to introduce new services;
      g) Article 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR, i.e. – data processing takes place due to the Administrator’s legitimate interest in establishing / pursuing claims or defending against claims,
  4. Your data is processed consensually and will be processed only as long as it is necessary to accomplish aforementioned goals or until you will not agree or revoke your permission for further processing. The data processing period may be extended each time a legal claim is invalidated by the lapse of time if the data processed would be required to inquire into the claim or defend against it. Data of the anonymous users will be kept for 30 days, while data of the registered users will be kept for 10 years from the beginning of the first year after the permission to process the data has been granted.  
  5. Your personal data can be disclosed to our business partners and contractors, IT solution providers, bodies providing our  accounting, legal and postal services, always only in compliance with our established objectives. 
  6. Users have a right to demand access to the data and their correction, deletion, limiting their processing and a right to transfer the data. Additionally, you can oppose the data processing if the processing is based on the art. 6 pol. 1 let. e) or f) GDPR. If the data processing is conducted for use in direct marketing, the data subject can forbid processing for such a goal at any moment, including the profiling that falls within the borders of direct marketing processing. 
  7. If the processing of your data is based upon your permission, you can revoke it at any moment. Revocation of the permission has no bearing on the legality of the processing that happened based on the permission before its revocation. You can revoke the permission by sending us an email to the address provided in the point 2 above, or via written message delivered to the Administrator’s address.
  8. User data will be used in order to make automatic decisions, including profiling mentioned in art. 1. 22 pol. 1 and 4 GDPR.
  9. User data will not be transferred to third countries, except for the cases when the contractor mentioned in point 5 is based in the third country. 
  10. If you think that the processing of personal data by violates the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body dealing with the protection of personal data in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of alleged violation.
    Below are the types of personal data that we process:
    Time zone
    Browser version
    Current URL
    Initial referring domain
    Operating system
    Cyclical commission
    Screen height
    Screen width
    Last Seen (last set or updated property)
    First view(property set or updated for the first time) as well as categories of data subjects
    Users of internet and mobile applications for clients
    You can get even more detailed information on personal data protection at the administrator’s office or by contacting us

9. Changes to Privacy Policy

We retain the right to modify our privacy policy at any moment, and as such, we advise you to browse this section often. Any change to the privacy policy will take effect at the moment of publishing it to the website. If we make any substantive changes to the policy, we will inform you about the update, so that you are in constant contact with us in regards with the data that we gather and use, and in what circumstances we process and/or disclose them. 

If our website is merged or bought by another company your data may be transferred to the new owners of the website. The new owners might retain the previous mode of service and sales.

10. Other agreements

We are not targeting our services for persons below the age of 13.

We are fully compliant with the rule of remedy, which means that any person has a right to start a legal proceeding when personal data is not gathered and processed in a way compliant with law. This rule also allows persons to appeal to legal or governmental institutions in order to conduct the investigation when the service provider does not comply with the privacy policy. 

We are asking you to provide your e-mail address in compliance with CANSPAM, which means that we comply with the following:

If you want to opt out of receiving any messages in the future you can inform us about that via email and we will delete your address from ALL of our correspondence lists. 

Users can visit our website anonymously. After this privacy policy takes effect, we will add the link to this document to our main site or the first important section on our website. Our link to Privacy Policy contains the word “Privacy” and can be found easily on the website provided above. Users will be notified about any changes made to the privacy policy via email message.

Contact info

If you would want: to have access to, correct, change or delete your personal data, file a complaint or receive more information contact our privacy policy adviser at

If you have questions regarding our privacy policy contact us.
Frezerów 3
Lublin, 20-209



  1. This document states the rules of service rendition provided by the Service Provider via electronic means, through use of the website “” (StartStop SaaS Service) which allows access to StartStop Software via use of web browsers, and it includes technical details of provision of service in question.
  2. Website found under address is kept by Sp. z o.o., based in Lublin, Poland, full address: ul.Frezerów 3, 20-209 Lublin, which is registered within entrepreneur registry of Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy (National Judicial Registry of Poland) which is kept by Regional Court of Lublin-East in Lublin, based in Świdnik, VI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego and found under number KRS: 0000607014, with NIP: 9462658371 and REGON: 363968737.
  3. By ordering the StartStop SaaS Service offered by the Service Provider, the Service Recipient confirms that they have familiarised themselves with the contents of this document, accepts all statements included within it and is liable to comply with its terms.  Refusal to accept the Rules and Regulations prevents placing an order for, and making use of the StartStop SaaS Service.


  1. Developer, Service Provider – Sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Lublin (address: ul.Frezerów 3, 20-209 Lublin, Poland), registered within entrepreneur registry of Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy (National Judicial Registry of Poland) which is kept by Regional Court of Lublin-East in Lublin, based in Świdnik, VI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego and found under number KRS: 0000607014, with NIP: 9462658371 and REGON: 363968737.
  2. Service Recipient – entrepreneur as per definition found in article 431 of Civil Code of Poland (individual, corporate entity or legal entity with limited legal capacity), for whom Service Provider provides the StartStop SaaS Service.
  3. StartStop SaaS Service – Access to functionality of StartStop Software, provided via electronic means by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient.
  4. StartStop Software – computer software which is a work within the meaning of copyright law as per Copyright and Related Rights Act of 04.02.1994 policy, which is provided by a Service Provider via a Website in SaaS iteration.
  5. Website  – website belonging to a Service Provider, which operates under the address:; and which allows Service Recipients to access StartStop SaaS Service.
  6. Order System of Website – designated part of the Website which allows Service Recipients to place orders on the StartStop SaaS Service.
  7. Registration Form – form uploaded to the website, which allows Service Recipients to register within the Website which gives access to the StartStop SaaS Service.
  8. Account – designated part of the Website in which Service Recipient data provided in the Registration Form is saved. The Service Recipient gains access to them after logging in with their username and password. 
  9. Subscription – payment which is paid by the Service Recipient for using the StartStop SaaS Service, in accordance with the price tags stated in the Price List.
  10. Price List – document shared on the Website, which states the prices of relevant subscriptions paid for access to StartStop SaaS Service.
  11. Rules and Regulations – This document, which states rules of provision of StartStop SaaS Service via electronic means.


  1. According to the terms stated in this document, the Service Provider provides (via Website) access to the functionality of StartStop Software in SaaS iteration for the Service Recipient. In order to gain access to StarStop SaaS Service, Service Recipient fills in the Registration Form located on the Website, and creates an Account, which is upkept by Service Provider.


  1. Service for upkeeping the Account within the Website is provided by the Service Provider from the moment of Account creation by the Service Recipient up until submission of a request to delete the Account. This service is provided free of charge.
  2. StartStop SaaS Service is provided to the Service Recipient (activated) after the Service Recipient has created an Account, accepted Rules and Regulations as stated by this document and has paid the appropriate Subscription fee.
  3. In order to use services listed in Section III, Service Recipients should have pre-existing access to:
  • PC, Smartphone or any other computer device with installed Windows OS, Android OS, Linux or any equivalent operating system,
  • Access to Internet connection which would allow uninterrupted access to the Website, with bandwidth of at least 512 kb/s,
  • Properly set up Internet browser
  1. Orders placed on StartStop SaaS Service by Service Recipient are accepted and registered by the Service Provider 24 hours a day, throughout the whole year. 
  2. In order to place an order on the StartStop SaaS Service it is mandatory for the Service Recipient to register in the Ordering System of the website. Providing the correct e-mail address of the Service Recipient is required to confirm placement of the order and its processing. Orders which will not be confirmed within 4 working days will be canceled.
  3. Dubious orders placed for the StartStop SaaS Service will be verified and can be canceled by the Service Provider. Service Recipient will be notified about such cancelation via message sent to provided e-mail address. 
  4. Orders placed for the StartStop SaaS Service are executed only on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
  5. Time of realization of any order placed by the Service Recipient is as short as possible. In all cases it is dependent on the date on which subscription payment in its totality enters the books on the Service Provider’s account. In special cases, time of realization (eg. activation of the StartStop SaaS Service) can be extended. The Service Recipient has a right to not agree to such an extension and withdraw from the order.
  6. “Promo codes” are accepted on the Website. Service Recipients in possession of “promo code” can insert it into a field called “promo code” within the Basket and then click the “apply code” button. Promo codes, depending on their type, can change prices of all products in the basket or only specific ones, can have an expiry date, be valid only when used from the Service Recipients account and can have single- or multiple uses. Every code will have a detailed description stating the properties and rules regarding that code. 
  7. The cost of the Subscription Payments are stated in the Price List located on the Website, are listed in the Polish Złotys (PLN) and include the VAT tax. 
  8. For every specific order placed by the Service Recipient a proof of transaction (invoice) is generated. In cases where the Service Recipient is the payer of VAT tax, they should provide their NIP number in the order. Invoice is delivered electronically to the e-mail address of the Service Recipient as provided during account creation. On a request from the Service Recipient the invoice can be delivered physically via traditional mail to the address stated by the Service Recipient. 
  9. The Subscription Period for the StartStop SaaS Service can be either 30 or 365 days. The Service Recipient makes a choice between the two periods while placing the order for the StartStop SaaS Service. The Subscription Period begins on the day of activation of the StartStop SaaS Service by the Service Provider.
  10. The Service Recipient can change the Subscription Period at any moment before the end of current Subscription Period. In order to do this, the Service Recipient should make suitable changes in the “Licenses” section or notify the Service Provider at or via the form which can be found on the Website. The time period of the extension begins immediately after the current Subscription Period ends. 
  11. After the payment for changes in the license parameters or its extension is executed by the Service Recipient, the Contract of the StartStop SaaS Service Provision is automatically extended to a suitable period. If not, the Contract of the StartStop SaaS Service Provision is dissolved. 
  12. Changes to Subscription prices listed in Price List are announced on the Website by posting an updated version of the Price List. Any changes in the prices have no bearing on the Subscriptions paid before the changes took effect and were announced. 
  13. The Service Recipient is obliged to comply with the ban on dissemination of the unlawful content. In addition, the Service Recipient is obliged to refrain from any activity that would cause disruption in the workings of the Website.
  14. The Service Provider is liable to no responsibility if the disruptions in the StartStop SaaS Service provision are caused by acts of God, hardware malfunctions, electricity shortages, issues with the Internet connection, unauthorised activity of Service Recipients or third party, malfunctioning telecommunication software or software installed on the Service Recipient’s device. 
  15. The Service Provider has a compensation responsibility in regard to inadequate provision of the StartStop SaaS Service only in case of Actual Damage. The Service Provider has no responsibility for lost benefits, loss of data or remote damage sustained by the Service Recipient. Any compensation responsibility of the Service Provider which can arise because of this document is limited to a sum paid by the Service Recipient for the Subscription Period in which the inadequate service provision had place. This limited responsibility is independent to any legal foundation of the claim in question. This limitation is not binding in cases where the sum of the compensation is regulated directly by the law. 
  16. The Service Provider is not guaranteeing that the StartStop SaaS Service will fulfill every expectation of the Service Recipient. It is in the best interest of the Service Recipient to get acquainted with the functionality of the StartStop Software before accepting the Contract of StartStop SaaS Service Provision.


  1. Conclusion of the Contract regarding service provision via electronic means is executed when one of the following occurs:
    • The Account is created by the Service Recipient, and the Service Recipient has logged in for the first time, using the login and password of the Service Recipient. For this to happen, the Service Recipient has to provide the data representing the factual status of the Service Recipient – which applies to the Account upkeeping service. 
    • Activation of the Service by the Service Provider, which will happen immediately after the payment of the full Subscription made by the Service Recipient appears in the books. – which applies to the StartStop SaaS Service. 
  2. Termination of the Contract regarding service provision via electronic means occurs when one of the following occurs:
    • The Service Recipient files a resolution to delete the Account, either via email sent to the email address of the Service Provider or in writing to the physical address of the Service Provider. – which applies to the Account upkeeping service. 
    • The Subscription Period paid for by the Service Recipient has ended and no Subscription payment for the next period has been made – which applies to the StartStop SaaS Service.
  3. Additionally, the Service Provider retains the ability to limit or revoke the possibility to use the services described in the point III of Rules and Regulations (via blocking or deleting the Account) in case of a breach of these Rules and Regulations or the law of the public statute after the Service Recipient has been called to cease any such activity and did not comply within the 7-day period. In the case of executing the described measures, the Service Recipient is not liable to receive the return of the payment of the Subscription.


  1. Complaints regarding services mentioned in point III of Rules and Regulations and the payoff can be placed via electronic mail to:
  2. Content of the complaints regarding lack of or inappropriate provision of the StartStop SaaS Service should include: a) contact data of the Service Recipient, b) precise description of the abnormalities in the Service provision, c) the time at which the abnormalities occured and their duration.
  3. Complaints regarding payoffs, including the size of the payments of the Subscription should include: invoice number, invoice date and the abnormality as written in the invoice. 
  4. Complaints will be processed by the Service Provider as soon as possible, no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receiving the complaint. If any additional investigative procedures are required, Service Provider retains the right to extend the aforementioned period, adequately to the time required to  finish those procedures. The Service Recipient will be notified of the mode of processing of the complaint electronically, to the email address provided by the Service Recipient.
  5. Complaints will not be accounted for if any of the following occurs:
    • The complaint author has not paid the Subscription and has no rights to use the StartStop SaaS Service
    • The abnormality in the StartStop Saas Service provision was caused by malfunction of the operating system, any third party software or hardware (computer devices, servers, network infrastructure) on which the StartStop SaaS Service is rendered. 
    • Functionality of the published in SaaS StartStop Software is compliant with the functionality as listed in the Software Documentation
    • StartStop SaaS Service is operated on hardware not meeting the minimal hardware or software requirements or not equipped with parameters allowing the proper functioning of the Software, including the amount of the data processed 
    • The Complaint is a result of infection of the device or network belonging to or used by the Service Recipient with computer viruses, trojans, malware or spyware
    • The underlying reason for a complaint are problems with the Internet connection experienced by the Service Recipient (malfunctions, insufficient network parameters, connection instability. This is especially important for telephonic connections, radio connections and satellite connections)
    • The underlying reason for a complaint is a data loss after the end of the last Subscription Period and StartStop SaaS Service provision which was paid for by the Service Recipient
    • The underlying reason for a complaint is the Service Recipient forgetting their password and/or login to the Account
    • The underlying reason for a complaint is disclosure of confidential information (login, password, network parameters, etc) to third parties by the Service Recipient
    • Complaint is regarding the loss of data after the end of the Subscription Period (after the Contract termination).


  1. The Service Provider has a right to turn off the Website at any moment in order to apply the upgrades or conduct the required maintenance works. Whenever possible, works will be conducted during the evening hours or during the legal holidays, with exception to the works necessitated by the random events.
  2. The maintenance breaks in Service provision cannot be a basis for any legal claim created by the Service Recipients or any other individuals.


  1. Content published and shared on the Website, used trademarks, company names, logos, photos, media or any other content are protected as compliant with the law of the common statute. 
  2. Using the Website is not equivalent to acquiring any rights to the incorporeal chattels present on the Website. It is explicitly prohibited to copy, disseminate, use or modify any elements of the Website and StartStop Software without written permission given by the Service Provider.


  1. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify the contents of these Rules and Regulations with respect to accrued rights. The Service Provider will notify every Service Recipient about changes via email and by publishing the modified document on the Website. Modified Rules and Regulations are binding on the Service Recipient, as long as they do not file the termination of the Contract of the Service Provision via electronic means within 21 days of the notice about changes in regulations. 
  2. If for whatever reason any part of the Rules and Regulations becomes invalid or ineffective, it does not undermine the rulings of the remaining parts.
  3. Any notices sent via electronic means both by the Service Provider and the Service Recipient are binding as those sent in a written form.
  4. Any arising dispute is solved by the Service Provider and the Service Recipient via mutual talks. If the talks will not result in a conclusion within 30 from the initiation of the talks, the dispute will be subjected to the court of general jurisdiction appropriate for the location of the Service Provider HQ. Rights to investigate during the court proceedings granted by the services provided via electronic means which are described in point III. of this Document are granted to the Service Recipient after the complaint route has yielded no results.
  5. Rules and Regulations take effect on the 1st of March 2017.